Corporate Events
16 Feb 2017
W. K. To & Co. delivers a full house AML training to Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS)

At the invitation of HKICS (Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries香港特許秘書公會), Vincent To, But Sun Wai and Ronald To presented a seminar on the topic "Anti-Money Laundering – Essential Training for Service Providers" on 16 February 2017 for the HKICS members.  The seminar was very well-attended by over 210 audience from the top tier organizations in Hong Kong and most of the participants were company secretaries, directors, compliance managers, financial controllers, heads of operation, in-house lawyers and private practice solicitors.  Alberta Sie, the committee member of HKICS kicked off the seminar by welcoming the audience and introducing our firm.  Our speakers talked about the following topics by highlighting some important provisions.


•    Latest AML Trends and Developments

•    Overview – Hong Kong Anti-Money Laundering Legal Framework and Guidelines

•    Case Studies (in particular the ramifications of the controversial Carson Yeung Ka Sing case)

•    Practical Suggestions and Tips for an Effective AML


Most of the participants found the seminar useful and informative by giving very positive feedback; the presentation was very well-received and drew a wide range of discussions which followed. 


W.K. To & Co. will deliver another Anti-Money Laundering training to Hong Kong Corporate Counsels Association on 1 June 2017.